JavaScript: CSS

yarn add --dev @elodin/generator-javascript-css

This generator is used with JavaScript. It renders to plain CSS and JavaScript files.
The JavaScript files contain functions that return the correct className depending on passed variants.


To use the Javascript generator, simply add it to your Elodin configuration and you're ready to go.


var { createGenerator } = require('@elodin/generator-javascript')
module.exports = {
generator: createGenerator(),


devModeBooleanfalseIn devMode, class names contain human-readable prefixes that help to indentify the referenced style.
dynamicImportBooleanfalseBy default, CSS files are required as soon as the corresponding JavaScript file is imported.
With dynamic imports, it is only imported once the function is actually called.
generateStyleNameFunctionname => nameA function that returns name of the JavaScript function that returns the class name. It takes the style name and returns a string.
generateJSFileNameFunctionmodule => module + ".elo"A function that represents the JavaScript filename convention. It takes the style and module name. The
extension is applied automatically.
generateCSSFileNameFunctionmodule => module + ".elo"A function that represents the CSS filename convention. It takes the style and module name. The
extension is applied automatically.
generateVariantNameFunctionname => uncapitalize(name)A function that generates variant names in our JavaScript files. It represents the property key which we need to pass in order to apply variants.
generateVariantValueFunctionvalue => uncapitalize(value)A function that generates variant values in our JavaScript files. It represents the variant value which we need to pass in order to apply variants.



var { createGenerator } = require('@elodin/generator-javascript-css')
module.exports = {
generator: createGenerator({
devMode: true,
dynamicImport: false,
// makes all style functions being rendered with a Style postfix e.g. ButtonStyle
generateStyleName: name => name + 'Style',
// makes variant values uppercase e.g. variant: "PRIMARY"
generateVariantValue: value => value.toUpperCase(),

Feature Coverage

  • Styles
  • Primitives
  • Variables
  • Functions
  • Variants
  • Conditionals
    • Variants
    • Environment
      • Pseudo Classes
      • Media Queries

Usage Examples


variant Variant {
style Button {
paddingLeft: 10
paddingRight: 10
minWidth: $theme_widths_button
[Variant=Primary] {
backgroundColor: blue
[Variant=Secondary] {
backgroundColor: red


:root {
--theme_widths_button: 120px;



import React from 'react'
import { Button as ButtonStyle } from './button.elo.js'
function Button({ children, variant = 'primary' }) {
return <button className={ButtonStyle({ variant })}>{children}</button>