

Conditionals add a special syntax to apply styles only a condition is fulfilled.
They're written in square brackets and depending on the type of comparison support only equal comparison or all comparison operators.

Comparison Operators

=Matches if the value is exactly the same.
Commonly used with variants.
>Matches if the value greater than a given number.
Only supported for integer and float types.
>=Matches if the value greater than or equal to a given number.
Only supported for integer and float types.
<Matches if the value less than a given number.
Only supported for integer and float types.
<=Matches if the value less than or equal to a given number.
Only supported for integer and float types.

Variant Comparison

The most simple conditions are variant checks which we've seen in the Variant docs before.


variant Mode {
style Button {
padding: 10
[Mode=Dark] {
backgroundColor: black
[Mode=White] {
backgroundColor: white

Environment Conditionals

Apart from variants, some generators also implement special environment conditionals such as pseudo classes and media queries for web-specific generators.
Some environment variables are boolean types, which means they don't use a comparison operator at all.


style Button {
padding: 10
backgroundColor: black
[@hover] {
backgroundColor: rgb(40 40 40)
[@viewportWidth>=1024] {
padding: 15